
Yearly Prediction for Cancer


This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Eighth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Ninth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Tenth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Eleventh house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28, Venus would remain combust.

Work, Profession

This year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter has transitory effect on Tenth House which would bestow upon you significant gains from domain of your work. There would be a new direction for profession because of association with an experienced partner and hence a handsome gain would bagged from profession. Those who are in service would get promotion in their ranks. After April, Jupiter in Eleventh House could add to quantum of income from your entrepreneur. Higher officials and senior persons would extend their cooperation to you. Saturn posited in Eighth House indicates hindrances in your profession but you would overcome the situation by applying your wits and intelligence.

Wealth, Property

Beginning of the year yield sweet fruits for wealth and property perspectives, combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Second House would offer you land, buildings, ornaments, vehicles and gem stones. Besides having income, expenditure on, articles of physical comforts and amenities would also be incurred. After April, due to transitory effect of Jupiter in Eleventh House, you could get back your long pending money. There would be enhancement in having income and wealth capital would grow because of more investments. There might be expenditure on marriage of brother, sister or son.

Family & Society

Beginning of the year would be favorable for family perspective. You would be unable to devote sufficient time for your family because of preoccupations. But an environment of peace and unison among the family members would prevail. You would be recipient of full cooperation of your brothers. Your social status would take a step forward since Third House receives aspect of Jupiter. You would be always at your toes for accomplishing social activities.


The beginning of the year would have auspicious of average level for children point of view. Your children would climb up steps of success by dint of their hard work. After April, Jupiter aspects Fifth House which strongly indicates probabilities for progeny to newly wedded couples. Your children would pave a path of progress. Good news would be received in respect of your first child. There are favorable indications for progress in domain of education. If your children are of marriageable age then possibilities do exist for their wedlock ceremony. This year would be of average grade for your second child.


This year would yield an average crop for health perspective. You would not be able to have mental balance and peace. Saturn posited in eighth house could give troubles by developing weather borne diseases off and on. State of lethargy, mental distress and other such minor problems would be faced. After April, propitious Jupiter would transit auspicious place which would create a well-adapted system for your good health. To maintain a good health, adopt vegetarian diet. Take regular exercises along with vegetarian food and balanced diet.

Career & Competition

This year would be highly auspicious for competitive examination perspective. The students undertaking competitive examinations would combust with flying colors as Jupiter and Saturn, both aspects Sixth House simultaneously. There are indications for getting employment. After April, time period is auspicious for professional education. Interest for studies would be inculcated among the students. Achieve your aims and objectives by focusing your mind at the target.

Travel & Transfer

This year would be good for journey perspective. Rahu in Ninth House would induce long journeys many times. In the beginning of the year, you could visit your birth place. After April, you would also undertake some short and unimportant journeys. Since Jupiter has its aspect on Seventh house, so businessmen would perform journeys related to their business.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

This year would prove propitious for religious deeds. You would not be devoting due time for worship and meditation because of over involvement in prior engagements. After April, aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fifth House would develop your propensity towards worship and faith in god. 1. Offer bread to black dog. 2. Offer long robe to Hanuman ji every Tuesday and recite Hanuman Chalisa.

Common Feature of Cancer

General Characteristics Cancer

TThe Cancer Ascendant is ruled by the planet Moon. People born with a Cancer Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are sensitive & emotional. They get emotionally hurt very often and have a soft hearted approach towards others. Cancer Ascendant born individuals are well known in their fields of work and garner society’s admiration for themselves. They are highly productive people who are ambitious as well. They accumulate a significant amount of wealth in their lives and do very well financially.
They can have problems with their younger siblings. They love to travel to foreign places. They like to learn about different cultures and places in the world. They own expensive and beautiful properties and security concerns particularly with respect to their homes, bother them a lot.
They end up in a career that is lucky and financially viable for them. They know where to invest and when to invest for maximum long term benefits. They do not believe in overnight gains and take money & wealth management very seriously. They might get involved in a legal battle but always emerge victorious in the end. They generally have strong & healthy bodies and understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle in life. They know how to take care of their near & dear ones and are respectful towards others.
They are deeply affected by what is happening in the society and the world at large. They have very strong humanitarian values in them and are moved deeply by sufferings in the society. They do not hesitate in offering their help to the needy and go that extra mile while doing that even if they have to face some challenges in the process. They have truly magnanimous hearts and are admired even by their enemies.

Naturally Benefic Planets for Cancer

Moon being the ruler of the sign of Cancer is a very positive planet for people who are born with a Cancer Ascendant. Apart from the Moon, Mars is a planet that is extremely beneficial for them. Lastly, planet Jupiter is also known to benefit them to a certain extent.

Lucky Numbers for Cancer

Numbers 2, 3 and 9 are considered lucky for a native born with a Cancer Ascendant.

Suitable Profession Cancer

Individuals having Cancer Ascendant succeed when they foray into the career fields of Dairy, Textiles, Navy, Gynaecology, Underwater Studies, Water Management, Music, Song/Lyrics Writing, Poetry, Social Science and Nursing.

Friendly Sign Cancer

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio

Element Cancer

Out of the five primordial elements, the Water element is associated with the sign of Cancer and hence people having Cancer as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are very emotional, soft spoken and caring.

Related Chakra Cancer

Brow Chakra (Ajna)